###################################################################### # # TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Lёppa # # $Id: install.pri 151 2011-01-19 22:27:49Z laleppa $ # $URL: https://tspsg.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tspsg/trunk/install.pri $ # # This file is part of TSPSG. # ###################################################################### # Common rules #l10n.files = l10n/*.qm #share.files = docs.files = COPYING ChangeLog.txt README.txt INSTALL.txt INSTALLS += target share docs # l10n # For *nix: # - executable goes to /usr/bin # - translations go to /usr/share/TSPSG/l10n # - COPYING, ChangeLog.txt, README.txt and INSTALL.txt # go to /usr/share/doc/TSPSG-x.x.x unix:!macx:!symbian:!maemo* { isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { DEFINES += PATH_L10N=\\\"$$PREFIX/share/TSPSG/l10n\\\" DEFINES += PATH_DOCS=\\\"$$PREFIX/share/TSPSG/docs\\\" } target.path = $$PREFIX/bin share.path = $$PREFIX/share/TSPSG # l10n.path = $$PREFIX/share/TSPSG/l10n docs.path = $$PREFIX/share/doc/TSPSG-$$VERSION desktop.files = resources/tspsg.desktop desktop.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications icon.files = resources/tspsg.png icon.path = $$PREFIX/share/pixmaps INSTALLS += desktop icon } # TODO: MacOSX macx { } # For win32: everything goes to "%PROGRAMFILES%\TSPSG" and subfolders. win32 { isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = "$$(PROGRAMFILES)" } share.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/QtCore$${D}4.dll \ $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/QtGui$${D}4.dll !nosvg { share.files += $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/QtSvg$${D}4.dll } # l10n.files += $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/*.qm win32-g++ { share.files += $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/mingwm10.dll \ $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll } # iconengines.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/iconengines/qsvgicon$${D}4.dll # iconengines.path = $$PREFIX/TSPSG/iconengines imageformats.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/qjpeg$${D}4.dll \ $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/qtiff$${D}4.dll imageformats.path = $$PREFIX/TSPSG/imageformats INSTALLS += imageformats # iconengines } # For wince: we are deploying to \Program Files\TSPSG. wince* { isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = "\\Program Files" } share.sources = $$share.files # l10n.sources = $$l10n.files \ # $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/*.qm docs.sources = $$docs.files DEPLOYMENT += target share docs # l10n # DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN += qjpeg qtiff qsvgicon } # win32 and wince common win* { target.path = $$PREFIX/TSPSG share.path = $$PREFIX/TSPSG # l10n.path = $$PREFIX/TSPSG/l10n docs.path = $$PREFIX/TSPSG } # Symbian symbian { # qmake for Symbian (as of Qt 4.6.2) has a bug: file masks doesn't work, so we need to specify all files manually share.sources = $$share.files # l10n.sources = $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/qt_ru.qm \ # $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]/qt_uk.qm \ # l10n/tspsg_en.qm l10n/tspsg_ru.qm l10n/tspsg_uk.qm # l10n.path = l10n docs.sources = $$docs.files docs.pkg_prerules = \ "\"README.txt\" - \"\", FILETEXT, TEXTCONTINUE" \ "\"COPYING\" - \"\", FILETEXT, TEXTEXIT" DEPLOYMENT += share docs # l10n # DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN += qjpeg qtiff qsvgicon ICON = resources/tspsg.svg appinfo = \ "$$LITERAL_HASH{\"TSPSG\"},(0xEb9dce0e),$$BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR,$$BUILD_VERSION_MINOR,$$BUILD_RELEASE" vendorinfo = \ "%{\"l-homes.org\"}" \ ":\"l-homes.org\"" default_deployment.pkg_prerules = appinfo vendorinfo DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = "$${LITERAL_HASH}{\"TSPSG Installer\"},(0xA000D7CE),1,0,0" }