/*! \page changelog TSPSG ChangeLog \author Copyright © 2007-2010 Lёppa $Id: changelog.dox 111 2010-04-27 23:40:22Z laleppa $ $URL: https://tspsg.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tspsg/trunk/docs/dox/changelog.dox $
\section cl_toc Table of Contents -# \ref cl_b100 -# \ref cl_b100_w -# \ref cl_b100_i -# \ref cl_b100_c -# \ref cl_b100_b -# \ref cl_b42 -# \ref cl_b42_f \attention This ChangeLog is updated only on releases.
\section cl_b100 TSPSG v0.1.2 alpha 2 (build 100) \subsection cl_b100_w WHAT'S NEW - New \b TSPSG icon. - Symmetric mode: in this mode the cost of travel from city 1 to city 2 and vice versa is the same. - Printing of solution results (if the platform supports it). - Saving solution to PDF (if the platform supports printing). - An ability to reset all settings to their defaults: hold Shift while clicking Save button in the Settings Dialog. - An ability to generate fractional random numbers. - An ability to set the fractional accuracy (in decimail places). - An ability to select between using native and Qt's file dialogs when opening and saving tasks and solutions. - An ability to disable showing of the solution steps' matrices in solution output. - An ability to enable scroll to the end of the solution output after solving. - An ability ot enable automatic resize of columns and rows to their contents on its change. - Basic support for Symbian. - Check for updates functionality (only in Windows version at this moment). \subsection cl_b100_i IMPROVEMENTS - Improved the solution algorithm. - The maximum number of cities in task was increased to 50. - List of alternate candidates for branching is now displayed. - Warning about possible non-optimal result. - Open a file, passed as command-line argument. - Currently opened file name is displayed in the Main Window title. - "Save Solution" and "Back to Task" buttons in Solution tab for better usability. - The size of the toolbar buttons is now determined based on the device DPI in Windows Mobile and Symbian. - SIP show/hide handling in Windows Mobile. - Toolbar state and position are now saved and restored with the Main Window state and position. - Window translucency support in Windows Vista and Windows 7. \note Showing the solution steps' matrices is disabled by default for tasks with more than 15 cities to considerably speed up the generation of the solution output process. \subsection cl_b100_c CHANGES - The resulting path is now sorted, always starts from City 1 and has "City 1 -> City n -> ... -> City 1" format. - Translations were moved from i18n to l10n folder to follow common standards. - Reworked the Settings Dialog layout. - Reworked the About dialog. \subsection cl_b100_b BUGFIXES - A solution couldn't be found for some tasks while the task had at least one solution (mostly, tasks with a lot of restrictions). - An error when loading .zkt file with less than 5 cities. - Generated random numbers were not in the range defined by Minimum and Maximum settings.
\section cl_b42 TSPSG v0.1.1 alpha 1 (build 42) This is initial \b TSPSG release. \subsection cl_b42_f FEATURES - Solving taks with up to 5 cities. - Generating tasks. - Saving solution results to HTML and ODF. - Importing tasks from ZKomModRd. - Multilinguality: English, Russian and Ukrainian languages. - Linux/UNIX, Windows and Windows Mobile support. */