Changeset 430bd7f7e9 in tspsg for src
- Timestamp:
- Jul 31, 2009, 8:23:07 PM (16 years ago)
- Branches:
-,, appveyor, imgbot, master, readme
- Children:
- ec54b4490b
- Parents:
- b5c9bcb585
- Location:
- src
- Files:
- 1 added
- 12 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 29 29 #include <QtGui> 30 30 31 // Version info 32 #include "version.h" 31 33 // OS detection 32 34 #include "os.h" … … 38 40 #define DEF_OFFSET 100 39 41 #define DEF_FONT_FAMILY "Courier New" 40 #define DEF_FONT_SIZE 1 242 #define DEF_FONT_SIZE 10 41 43 #define DEF_FONT_COLOR Qt::black 42 44 … … 54 56 #define ZKT_VERSION quint8(1) 55 57 56 // Decided, that static array with 100 of cities maximum hard limit57 // will be enough for most cases, but the code will be simplier than58 // when using dynamic lists. If you need more, just change this value59 // and recompile the program ;-)60 #define MAX_CITIES 10061 58 // This value means infinity :-) 62 59 #ifndef INFINITY … … 64 61 #endif 65 62 // This is string, which represents infinite value in table 66 #define INFSTR "--- --"63 #define INFSTR "---" 67 64 68 65 #endif // GLOBALS_H -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 /*2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator1 /* 2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 30 30 loadLanguage(); 31 31 setupUi(this); 32 initDocStyleSheet(); 33 solutionText->document()->setDefaultFont(settings->value("Output/Font",QFont(DEF_FONT_FAMILY,DEF_FONT_SIZE)).value<QFont>()); 34 solutionText->setTextColor(settings->value("Output/Color",DEF_FONT_COLOR).value<QColor>()); 35 solutionText->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::WordWrap); 32 36 #ifdef Q_OS_WINCE 33 37 // A little hack for toolbar icons to have sane size. … … 46 50 connect(actionFileNew,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(actionFileNewTriggered())); 47 51 connect(actionFileOpen,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(actionFileOpenTriggered())); 48 connect(actionFileSaveTask,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(actionFileSaveTaskTriggered())); 52 connect(actionFileSaveAsTask,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(actionFileSaveAsTaskTriggered())); 53 connect(actionFileSaveAsSolution,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(actionFileSaveAsSolutionTriggered())); 49 54 connect(actionSettingsPreferences,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(actionSettingsPreferencesTriggered())); 50 55 connect(actionSettingsLanguageAutodetect,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this,SLOT(actionSettingsLanguageAutodetectTriggered(bool))); … … 59 64 connect(spinCities,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(spinCitiesValueChanged(int))); 60 65 QRect rect = geometry(); 61 #ifdef Q_OS_WINCE62 // HACK: Fix for all tabWidget elements becoming "unclickable" if making it central widget.63 /* rect.setSize(QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().size());64 rect.setHeight(rect.height() - (QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height() - QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().height()));65 tabWidget->resize(rect.width(),rect.height() - toolBar->iconSize().height());*/66 // Somehow, this works now. No more "unclickable" elements :-\67 66 setCentralWidget(tabWidget); 68 # else67 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE 69 68 if (settings->value("SavePos",false).toBool()) { 70 69 // Loading of saved window state … … 92 91 taskView->resizeRowsToContents(); 93 92 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE 93 } 94 95 void MainWindow::enableSolutionActions(bool enable) 96 { 97 actionFileSaveAsSolution->setEnabled(enable); 98 solutionText->setEnabled(enable); 99 if (!enable) 100 output.clear(); 94 101 } 95 102 … … 141 148 } 142 149 150 void MainWindow::initDocStyleSheet() 151 { 152 QColor color = settings->value("Output/Color",DEF_FONT_COLOR).value<QColor>(); 153 QColor hilight; 154 if (color.value() < 192) 155 hilight.setHsv(color.hue(),color.saturation(),127 + qRound(color.value() / 2)); 156 else 157 hilight.setHsv(color.hue(),color.saturation(),color.value() / 2); 158 solutionText->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet("* {color: " + +";} p {margin: 0px 10px;} table {margin: 5px;} td {padding: 1px 5px;} .hasalts {color: " + + ";} .selected {color: #A00000; font-weight: bold;} .alternate {color: #008000; font-weight: bold;}"); 159 solutionText->document()->setDefaultFont(settings->value("Output/Font",QFont(DEF_FONT_FAMILY,DEF_FONT_SIZE)).value<QFont>()); 160 } 161 143 162 void MainWindow::spinCitiesValueChanged(int n) 144 163 { … … 166 185 tspmodel->clear(); 167 186 setWindowModified(false); 187 tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); 188 solutionText->clear(); 189 enableSolutionActions(false); 168 190 } 169 191 … … 190 212 tspmodel->loadTask(files.first()); 191 213 setWindowModified(false); 192 } 193 194 void MainWindow::actionFileSaveTaskTriggered() 214 solutionText->clear(); 215 enableSolutionActions(false); 216 } 217 218 void MainWindow::actionFileSaveAsTaskTriggered() 195 219 { 196 220 saveTask(); 221 } 222 223 void MainWindow::actionFileSaveAsSolutionTriggered() 224 { 225 static QString selectedFile; 226 if (selectedFile.isEmpty()) 227 selectedFile = "solution.html"; 228 QFileDialog sd(this); 229 sd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); 230 QStringList filters(trUtf8("HTML Files") + " (*.html *.htm)"); 231 filters.append(trUtf8("OpenDocument Files") + " (*.odt)"); 232 filters.append(trUtf8("All Files") + " (*)"); 233 sd.setNameFilters(filters); 234 sd.selectFile(selectedFile); 235 if (sd.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) 236 return; 237 QStringList files = sd.selectedFiles(); 238 if (files.empty()) 239 return; 240 selectedFile = files.first(); 241 QTextDocumentWriter dw(selectedFile); 242 if (!(selectedFile.endsWith(".htm",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || selectedFile.endsWith(".html",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || selectedFile.endsWith(".odt",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || selectedFile.endsWith(".txt",Qt::CaseInsensitive))) 243 dw.setFormat("plaintext"); 244 dw.write(solutionText->document()); 197 245 } 198 246 … … 219 267 { 220 268 SettingsDialog sd(this); 221 sd.exec(); 269 if (sd.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) 270 return; 271 if (sd.colorChanged() || sd.fontChanged()) { 272 initDocStyleSheet(); 273 if (!output.isEmpty() && sd.colorChanged() && (QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Question,trUtf8("Settings Changed"),trUtf8("You have changed color settings.\nDo you wish to apply them to current solution text?"),QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No,this).exec() == QMessageBox::Yes)) { 274 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); 275 solutionText->clear(); 276 solutionText->setHtml(output.join("")); 277 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); 278 } 279 } 222 280 } 223 281 … … 245 303 } 246 304 305 void MainWindow::outputMatrix(tMatrix matrix, QStringList &output, int nRow, int nCol) 306 { 307 int n = spinCities->value(); 308 QString line=""; 309 output.append("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); 310 for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) { 311 line = "<tr>"; 312 for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) { 313 if (matrix[r][c] == INFINITY) 314 line += "<td align=\"center\">"INFSTR"</td>"; 315 else if ((r == nRow) && (c == nCol)) 316 line += "<td align=\"center\" class=\"selected\">" + QVariant(matrix[r][c]).toString() + "</td>"; 317 else 318 line += "<td align=\"center\">" + QVariant(matrix[r][c]).toString() + "</td>"; 319 } 320 line += "</tr>"; 321 output.append(line); 322 } 323 output.append("</table>"); 324 } 325 247 326 void MainWindow::buttonSolveClicked() 248 327 { 249 // TODO: Task solving goes here :-)250 328 tMatrix matrix; 251 double *row;329 QList<double> row; 252 330 int n = spinCities->value(); 253 331 bool ok; 254 332 for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) { 255 row = new double[n];333 row.clear(); 256 334 for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) { 257 row [c] = tspmodel->index(r,c).data(Qt::UserRole).toDouble(&ok);335 row.append(tspmodel->index(r,c).data(Qt::UserRole).toDouble(&ok)); 258 336 if (!ok) { 259 337 QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical,trUtf8("Data error"),QString(trUtf8("Error in cell [Row %1; Column %2]: Invalid data format.")).arg(r + 1).arg(c + 1),QMessageBox::Ok,this).exec(); … … 266 344 sStep *root = solver.solve(spinCities->value(),matrix); 267 345 if (!root) 268 QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical,trUtf8("Solution error"),trUtf8("There was an error while solving the task."),QMessageBox::Ok,this).exec(); 269 // tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); 346 return; 347 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); 348 QColor color = settings->value("Output/Color",DEF_FONT_COLOR).value<QColor>(); 349 output.clear(); 350 output.append("<p>" + trUtf8("Variant #%1").arg(spinVariant->value()) + "</p>"); 351 output.append("<p>" + trUtf8("Task:") + "</p>"); 352 outputMatrix(matrix,output); 353 output.append("<hr>"); 354 output.append("<p>" + trUtf8("Solution of Variant #%1 task").arg(spinVariant->value()) + "</p>"); 355 sStep *step = root; 356 n = 1; 357 QString path = ""; 358 while (n <= spinCities->value()) { 359 if (step->prNode->prNode != NULL || (step->prNode->prNode == NULL && step->plNode->prNode == NULL)) { 360 if (n != spinCities->value()) { 361 output.append("<p>" + trUtf8("Step #%1").arg(n++) + "</p>"); 362 outputMatrix(step->matrix,output,step->candidate.nRow,step->candidate.nCol); 363 if (step->alts) 364 output.append("<p class=\"hasalts\">" + trUtf8("This step has alternate candidates for branching.") + "</p>"); 365 output.append("<p> </p>"); 366 } 367 path += QString(" (%1,%2)").arg(step->candidate.nRow + 1).arg(step->candidate.nCol + 1); 368 } 369 if (step->prNode->prNode != NULL) 370 step = step->prNode; 371 else if (step->plNode->prNode != NULL) 372 step = step->plNode; 373 else 374 break; 375 } 376 output.append("<p>" + trUtf8("Optimal path:") + "</p>"); 377 output.append("<p> " + path + "</p>"); 378 output.append("<p>" + trUtf8("The price is <b>%1</b> units.").arg(step->price) + "</p>"); 379 solutionText->setHtml(output.join("")); 380 solutionText->setDocumentTitle(trUtf8("Solution of Variant #%1 task").arg(spinVariant->value())); 381 enableSolutionActions(); 382 tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); 383 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); 270 384 } 271 385 … … 274 388 // TODO: Normal about window :-) 275 389 QString about = QString::fromUtf8("TSPSG - TSP Solver and Generator\n"); 276 about += QString::fromUtf8(" Copyright (C) 2007-%1 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name>\n").arg(QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyy")); 390 about += QString::fromUtf8(" Version: "BUILD_VERSION" ("BUILD_STATUS")\n"); 391 about += QString::fromUtf8(" Copyright (C) 2007-%1 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name>\n").arg(QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyy")); 277 392 about += QString::fromUtf8("Target OS: %1\n").arg(OS); 278 393 about += "Qt library:\n"; -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 44 44 void actionFileNewTriggered(); 45 45 void actionFileOpenTriggered(); 46 void actionFileSaveTaskTriggered(); 46 void actionFileSaveAsTaskTriggered(); 47 void actionFileSaveAsSolutionTriggered(); 47 48 void actionSettingsPreferencesTriggered(); 48 49 void actionSettingsLanguageAutodetectTriggered(bool); … … 62 63 CTSPModel *tspmodel; 63 64 QActionGroup *groupSettingsLanguageList; 65 QStringList output; 64 66 bool loadLanguage(QString lang = ""); 65 67 void loadLangList(); 68 void initDocStyleSheet(); 66 69 bool saveTask(); 70 void outputMatrix(tMatrix, QStringList &, int nRow = -1, int nCol = -1); 71 void enableSolutionActions(bool enable = true); 67 72 }; 68 73 -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 9 9 */ 10 10 11 #include "version.h" 12 13 #define VS_VERSION_INFO 1 11 14 #define IDI_APPICON 101 -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 25 25 26 26 SettingsDialog::SettingsDialog(QWidget *parent) 27 : QDialog(parent) 27 : QDialog(parent), newFont(false), newColor(false) 28 28 { 29 29 setupUi(this); … … 35 35 // setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint); 36 36 setWindowFlags(windowFlags() ^ Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); 37 layout()->setSizeConstraint(layout()->SetFixedSize);38 37 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE 39 38 // Setting initial text of dialog hint label to own status tip 40 39 // text. 41 40 labelHint->setText(labelHint->statusTip()); 42 // HACK: Do not resize label hint (and dialog) when text changes43 // from one-line to two-line and vice versa. Any better solution?44 labelHint->setMaximumHeight(labelHint->height());45 labelHint->setMinimumHeight(labelHint->height());46 41 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE 47 42 settings = new QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat,QSettings::UserScope,"TSPSG","tspsg"); … … 51 46 cbSaveState->setChecked(settings->value("SavePos",false).toBool()); 52 47 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE 53 settings->beginGroup(" Print");48 settings->beginGroup("Output"); 54 49 font = settings->value("Font",QFont(DEF_FONT_FAMILY,DEF_FONT_SIZE)).value<QFont>(); 55 50 color = settings->value("Color",DEF_FONT_COLOR).value<QColor>(); 51 settings->endGroup(); 52 } 53 54 void SettingsDialog::accept() 55 { 56 56 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE 57 s pinLeftMargin->setValue(settings->value("Offset",DEF_OFFSET).toInt());57 settings->setValue("SavePos",cbSaveState->isChecked()); 58 58 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE 59 settings->setValue("MinCost",spinRandMin->value()); 60 settings->setValue("MaxCost",spinRandMax->value()); 61 settings->beginGroup("Output"); 62 if (newFont) 63 settings->setValue("Font",font); 64 if (newColor) 65 settings->setValue("Color",color); 59 66 settings->endGroup(); 67 QDialog::accept(); 68 } 69 70 void SettingsDialog::buttonFontClicked() 71 { 72 bool ok; 73 QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok,this->font,this); 74 if (ok && (this->font != font)) { 75 this->font = font; 76 newFont = true; 77 } 78 } 79 80 void SettingsDialog::buttonColorClicked() 81 { 82 QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(this->color,this); 83 if (color.isValid() && (this->color != color)) { 84 this->color = color; 85 newColor = true; 86 } 87 } 88 89 bool SettingsDialog::colorChanged() const 90 { 91 return newColor; 92 } 93 94 bool SettingsDialog::fontChanged() const 95 { 96 return newFont; 60 97 } 61 98 … … 77 114 } 78 115 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE 79 80 void SettingsDialog::buttonFontClicked()81 {82 bool ok;83 QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok,this->font,this);84 if (ok)85 this->font = font;86 }87 88 void SettingsDialog::buttonColorClicked()89 {90 QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(this->color,this);91 if (color.isValid())92 this->color = color;93 }94 95 void SettingsDialog::accept()96 {97 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE98 settings->setValue("SavePos",cbSaveState->isChecked());99 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE100 settings->setValue("MinCost",spinRandMin->value());101 settings->setValue("MaxCost",spinRandMax->value());102 settings->beginGroup("Print");103 settings->setValue("Font",font);104 settings->setValue("Color",color);105 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE106 settings->setValue("Offset",spinLeftMargin->value());107 #endif // Q_OS_WINCE108 settings->endGroup();109 QDialog::accept();110 } -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 37 37 public: 38 38 SettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = 0); 39 bool fontChanged() const; 40 bool colorChanged() const; 39 41 40 42 private: … … 42 44 QFont font; 43 45 QColor color; 46 bool newFont; 47 bool newColor; 44 48 #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE 45 49 bool event(QEvent *); -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 119 119 return; 120 120 emit layoutAboutToBeChanged(); 121 if (n > nCities) { 122 for (int r = 0; r < nCities; r++) { 123 for (int c = nCities; c < n; c++) 124 if (r == c) 125 table[r][c] = INFINITY; 126 else 127 table[r][c] = 0; 128 } 129 for (int r = nCities; r < n; r++) { 130 for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) 131 if (r == c) 132 table[r][c] = INFINITY; 133 else 134 table[r][c] = 0; 135 } 136 } 121 table.resize(n); 122 for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { 123 table[k].resize(n); 124 } 125 if (n > nCities) 126 for (int k = nCities; k < n; k++) 127 table[k][k] = INFINITY; 137 128 nCities = n; 138 129 emit layoutChanged(); … … 148 139 } 149 140 150 inline bool CTSPModel::loadError(QDataStream::Status status) const141 inline bool CTSPModel::loadError(QDataStream::Status status) 151 142 { 152 143 QString err; … … 257 248 // Costs 258 249 double val; 259 for (int r = 0; r < size; r++)260 for (int c = 0; c < size; c++)261 if ( r != c) {250 for (int r = 0; r < 5; r++) 251 for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) 252 if ((r != c) && (r < size)) { 262 253 ds->readRawData(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&val),8); 263 254 if (loadError(ds->status())) { -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 48 48 private: 49 49 QSettings *settings; 50 double table[MAX_CITIES][MAX_CITIES];50 QVector<QVector<double>> table; 51 51 quint16 nCities; 52 52 int rand(int, int) const; 53 bool loadError(QDataStream::Status) const;53 bool loadError(QDataStream::Status); 54 54 void loadZKT(QDataStream *); 55 55 void loadTSPT(QDataStream *); -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 26 26 27 27 CTSPSolver::CTSPSolver() 28 { 29 } 30 31 double CTSPSolver::findMinInRow(int nRow, tMatrix matrix) 28 : nCities(0) 29 { 30 } 31 32 void CTSPSolver::cleanup() 33 { 34 route.clear(); 35 } 36 37 double CTSPSolver::findMinInRow(int nRow, tMatrix matrix, int exc) 32 38 { 33 39 double min = INFINITY; 34 40 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) 35 if ( min > matrix[nRow][k])41 if (((k != exc)) && (min > matrix[nRow][k])) 36 42 min = matrix[nRow][k]; 37 43 return min == INFINITY ? 0 : min; 38 44 } 39 45 40 double CTSPSolver::findMinInCol(int nCol, tMatrix matrix )46 double CTSPSolver::findMinInCol(int nCol, tMatrix matrix, int exr) 41 47 { 42 48 double min = INFINITY; 43 49 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) 44 if ( min > matrix[k][nCol])50 if ((k != exr) && (min > matrix[k][nCol])) 45 51 min = matrix[k][nCol]; 46 52 return min == INFINITY ? 0 : min; 47 53 } 48 54 49 sStep *CTSPSolver::solve(int numCities, tMatrix task) 55 void CTSPSolver::subRow(tMatrix &matrix, int nRow, double val) 56 { 57 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) 58 if (k != nRow) 59 matrix[nRow][k] -= val; 60 } 61 62 void CTSPSolver::subCol(tMatrix &matrix, int nCol, double val) 63 { 64 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) 65 if (k != nCol) 66 matrix[k][nCol] -= val; 67 } 68 69 double CTSPSolver::align(tMatrix &matrix) 70 { 71 double r = 0; 72 double min; 73 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) { 74 min = findMinInRow(k,matrix); 75 if (min > 0) { 76 r += min; 77 subRow(matrix,k,min); 78 } 79 } 80 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) { 81 min = findMinInCol(k,matrix); 82 if (min > 0) { 83 r += min; 84 subCol(matrix,k,min); 85 } 86 } 87 return r; 88 } 89 90 bool CTSPSolver::findCandidate(tMatrix matrix, int &nRow, int &nCol, double &h) 91 { 92 h = -1; 93 nRow = -1; 94 nCol = -1; 95 bool alts = false; 96 double sum; 97 for (int r = 0; r < nCities; r++) 98 for (int c = 0; c < nCities; c++) 99 if ((matrix[r][c] == 0) && !forbidden.values(r).contains(c)) { 100 sum = findMinInRow(r,matrix,c) + findMinInCol(c,matrix,r); 101 if (sum > h) { 102 h = sum; 103 nRow = r; 104 nCol = c; 105 alts = false; 106 } else if (sum == h) 107 alts = true; 108 } 109 return alts; 110 } 111 112 bool CTSPSolver::hasSubCycles(int nRow, int nCol) 113 { 114 if ((nRow < 0) || (nCol < 0) || route.isEmpty() || !(route.size() < nCities - 1) || !route.contains(nCol)) 115 return false; 116 int i = nCol; 117 while (true) { 118 if ((i = route[i]) == nRow) 119 return true; 120 if (!route.contains(i)) 121 return false; 122 } 123 return false; 124 } 125 126 // TODO: Comment the algorithm 127 sStep *CTSPSolver::solve(int numCities, tMatrix task, QWidget *parent) 50 128 { 51 129 if (numCities <= 1) 52 130 return NULL; 131 cleanup(); 53 132 nCities = numCities; 133 double s; 134 QProgressDialog pd(parent); 135 QProgressBar *pb = new QProgressBar(&pd); 136 pb->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); 137 pb->setFormat(trUtf8("%v of %m parts found")); 138 pd.setBar(pb); 139 pd.setMaximum(nCities); 140 pd.setMinimumDuration(1000); 141 pd.setLabelText(trUtf8("Calculating optimal route...")); 142 pd.setWindowTitle(trUtf8("Solution Progress")); 143 pd.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); 144 pd.setValue(0); 145 54 146 sStep *step = new sStep(); 55 147 step->matrix = task; 148 149 s = align(step->matrix); 150 step->price = s; 56 151 root = step; 57 152 58 return step; 59 } 153 sStep *left, *right; 154 int nRow, nCol; 155 while (route.size() < nCities) { 156 forbidden.clear(); 157 step->alts = findCandidate(step->matrix,nRow,nCol,s); 158 while (hasSubCycles(nRow,nCol)) { 159 forbidden[nRow] = nCol; 160 step->matrix[nRow][nCol] = INFINITY; 161 step->price += align(step->matrix); 162 step->alts = findCandidate(step->matrix,nRow,nCol,s); 163 } 164 if ((nRow == -1) || (nCol == -1) || pd.wasCanceled()) { 165 root = NULL; 166 break; 167 } 168 169 // Route with (nRow,nCol) path 170 right = new sStep(); 171 right->matrix = step->matrix; 172 for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) { 173 if (k != nCol) 174 right->matrix[nRow][k] = INFINITY; 175 if (k != nRow) 176 right->matrix[k][nCol] = INFINITY; 177 } 178 right->price = step->price + align(right->matrix); 179 // Forbid selected route to exclude its reuse in next steps. 180 right->matrix[nCol][nRow] = INFINITY; 181 right->matrix[nRow][nCol] = INFINITY; 182 183 // Route without (nRow,nCol) path 184 left = new sStep(); 185 left->matrix = step->matrix; 186 left->matrix[nRow][nCol] = INFINITY; 187 left->price = step->price + align(left->matrix); 188 189 step->candidate.nRow = nRow; 190 step->candidate.nCol = nCol; 191 step->plNode = left; 192 step->prNode = right; 193 194 if (right->price <= left->price) { 195 // Route with (nRow,nCol) path is cheaper 196 step = right; 197 route[nRow] = nCol; 198 pd.setValue(route.size()); 199 } else { 200 // Route without (nRow,nCol) path is cheaper 201 step = left; 202 qApp->processEvents(); 203 } 204 } 205 206 pd.reset(); 207 qApp->processEvents(); 208 209 if (!root && !pd.wasCanceled()) { 210 QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning,trUtf8("Solution Result"),trUtf8("This task has no solution."),QMessageBox::Ok,parent).exec(); 211 } 212 213 return root; 214 } -
rb5c9bcb585 r430bd7f7e9 1 1 /* 2 * TSPSG -TSP Solver and Generator2 * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator 3 3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa <contacts[at]oleksii[dot]name> 4 4 * … … 27 27 #include "globals.h" 28 28 29 typedef QList< double *> tMatrix;29 typedef QList<QList<double>> tMatrix; 30 30 31 31 // This structure represents one step of solving 32 32 // The tree of such elements will represent the solving process 33 33 struct sStep { 34 tMatrix matrix; 35 double price; 36 struct {unsigned int x; unsigned int y;} pos; 37 sStep *plNode, *prNode; 38 sStep() { price = pos.x = pos.y = 0; plNode = prNode = NULL; } 34 tMatrix matrix; // Steps's matrix 35 double price; // Price of travel to this step 36 struct {unsigned int nRow; unsigned int nCol;} candidate; // Candiadate for branching in current matrix 37 bool alts; // This matrix has alternative candidates 38 sStep *plNode, *prNode; // Pointers to left and right branch steps 39 sStep() { price = candidate.nRow = candidate.nCol = -1; alts = false; plNode = prNode = NULL; } // Default values 39 40 }; 40 41 … … 42 43 class CTSPSolver 43 44 { 45 Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(CTSPSolver) 46 44 47 public: 45 48 CTSPSolver(); 46 sStep *solve(int, tMatrix); 49 sStep *solve(int, tMatrix, QWidget *parent = 0); 50 47 51 private: 48 52 int nCities; 49 53 sStep *root; 50 double findMinInRow(int, tMatrix); 51 double findMinInCol(int, tMatrix); 54 QHash<int,int> route; 55 QHash<int,int> forbidden; 56 double align(tMatrix &); 57 void cleanup(); 58 bool findCandidate(tMatrix, int &, int &, double &); 59 double findMinInRow(int, tMatrix, int exc = -1); 60 double findMinInCol(int, tMatrix, int exr = -1); 61 bool hasSubCycles(int, int); 62 void subCol(tMatrix &, int, double); 63 void subRow(tMatrix &, int, double); 52 64 }; 53 65
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.