Changeset 113 in tspsg-svn for trunk/docs/html

Apr 28, 2010, 2:13:54 AM (14 years ago)

Fixed some typos in install.dox due to wrong autoreplace and regenerated install.html.

1 edited


  • trunk/docs/html/install.html

    r112 r113  
    161161<p>Open a shell, navigate to the directory where you have <b>TSPSG</b> source downloaded and type</p>
    162162<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
    163 tar xvjf \b TSPSG-&lt;VERSION&gt;-src.tar.bz2
    164 cd \b TSPSG-&lt;VERSION&gt;-src
     163tar xvjf tspsg-&lt;VERSION&gt;-src.tar.bz2
     164cd tspsg-&lt;VERSION&gt;-src
    165165</pre></div><p>where &lt;VERSION&gt; is the version of <b>TSPSG</b> you downloaded. Now run</p>
    166166<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
    179179make install
    180180</pre></div><p>depending on your distribution.</p>
    181 <p>By default, executable will go to <code>/usr/bin</code>, <code>COPYING.txt</code> and <code>README.txt</code> will go to <code>/usr/share/<b>TSPSG</b>,</code> translations will go <code>/usr/share/<b>TSPSG/l10n</b>,</code> all docs will go to <code>/usr/share/doc/<b>TSPSG-&lt;VERSION&gt;</code></b>.</p>
     181<p>By default, executable will go to <code>/usr/bin</code>, <code>COPYING.txt</code> and <code>README.txt</code> will go to <code>/usr/share/TSPSG</code>, translations will go <code>/usr/share/TSPSG/l10n</code>, all docs will go to <code>/usr/share/doc/TSPSG-&lt;VERSION&gt;</code>.</p>
    183183<h3><a class="anchor" id="i_s43">
    195195<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
    196196mingw32-make install
    197 </pre></div><p><b>TSPSG</b> will be installed to <code>%PROGRAMFILES%\<b>TSPSG</b> folder</code> (usually, it is <code>C:\Program Files\<b>TSPSG</code></b>).</p>
     197</pre></div><p><b>TSPSG</b> will be installed to <code>%PROGRAMFILES%\TSPSG</code> folder (usually, it is <code>C:\Program Files\TSPSG</code>).</p>
    198198<h4><a class="anchor" id="i_s432">
    199199USING VISUAL STUDIO</a></h4>
    206206<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
    207207nmake install
    208 </pre></div><p><b>TSPSG</b> will be installed to <code>%PROGRAMFILES%\<b>TSPSG</b> folder</code> (usually, it is <code>C:\Program Files\<b>TSPSG</code></b>).</p>
     208</pre></div><p><b>TSPSG</b> will be installed to <code>%PROGRAMFILES%\TSPSG</code> folder (usually, it is <code>C:\Program Files\TSPSG</code>).</p>
    210210<h3><a class="anchor" id="i_s44">
    221221</pre></div><p>There is no automated installation process for Windows Mobile build. To install <b>TSPSG</b> on your PDA you need to create a folder on your device and copy the following files to it:</p>
    223 <li><b><b>TSPSG.exe</b> from</b> <code>release</code> folder in the source directory.</li>
     223<li><b>tspsg.exe</b> from <code>release</code> folder in the source directory.</li>
    224224<li><b>QtCore4.dll</b> and <code>QtGui4.dll</code> from <code>C:\Qt\bin</code> folder.</li>
    225225<li><b>msvcr90.dll</b> from <code>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\dll\armv4i</code> folder.</li>
    238238<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
    239239make sis
    240 </pre></div><p>You'll get <code><b>TSPSG.sis</b> file</code> in the source directory. Copy it to your phone and run or install it using <em>Nokia PC Suite</em>.</p>
     240</pre></div><p>You'll get <code>tspsg.sis</code> file in the source directory. Copy it to your phone and run or install it using <em>Nokia PC Suite</em>.</p>
    241241<dl class="note"><dt><b>Note:</b></dt><dd>You need to install <em>Qt libraries</em> on your device before installing <b>TSPSG</b>. Usually, it should be enough to install <code>qt_installer.sis</code> from the Qt installation directory.</dd></dl>
    242242<p>Alternatively, if you have installed <em>Nokia Smart Installer</em><a class="anchor" id="cr2"></a><sup><a class="el" href="install.html#r2">[2]</a></sup> you can run</p>
    243243<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">
    244244make installer_sis
    245 </pre></div><p>You'll get an <code><b>TSPSG_installer.sis</b> that</code> will automatically download and install the required <em>Qt libraries</em> on <b>TSPSG</b> installation.</p>
     245</pre></div><p>You'll get an <code>tspsg_installer.sis</code> that will automatically download and install the required <em>Qt libraries</em> on <b>TSPSG</b> installation.</p>
    246246<dl class="note"><dt><b>Note:</b></dt><dd>Please, be aware that you have to sign the sis file to be able to install it on your device. You can use <em>Open Signed Online</em><a class="anchor" id="cr3"></a><sup><a class="el" href="install.html#r3">[3]</a></sup> to quickly sign the sis file for your device. Alternatively, you can try to enable the installation of self-signed files in the phone settings. Please, reffer to your phone manual on the instructions how to do this.</dd></dl>
    301 <hr size="1"/><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Apr 28 02:47:14 2010 for TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator by&nbsp;
     301<hr size="1"/><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Apr 28 03:09:51 2010 for TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator by&nbsp;
    302302<a href="">
    303303<img class="footer" src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen"/></a> 1.6.1 </small></address>
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