/* * TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Lёppa * * $Id: tspsolver.cpp 60 2009-09-02 00:37:39Z laleppa $ * $URL: https://tspsg.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tspsg/trunk/src/tspsolver.cpp $ * * This file is part of TSPSG. * * TSPSG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * TSPSG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with TSPSG. If not, see . */ #include "tspsolver.h" #include "tspmodel.h" CTSPSolver::CTSPSolver() : nCities(0) { } void CTSPSolver::cleanup() { route.clear(); mayNotBeOptimal = false; } double CTSPSolver::findMinInRow(int nRow, tMatrix matrix, int exc) { double min = INFINITY; for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) if (((k != exc)) && (min > matrix.at(nRow).at(k))) min = matrix.at(nRow).at(k); return min == INFINITY ? 0 : min; } double CTSPSolver::findMinInCol(int nCol, tMatrix matrix, int exr) { double min = INFINITY; for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) if ((k != exr) && (min > matrix.at(k).at(nCol))) min = matrix.at(k).at(nCol); return min == INFINITY ? 0 : min; } void CTSPSolver::subRow(tMatrix &matrix, int nRow, double val) { for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) if (k != nRow) matrix[nRow][k] -= val; } void CTSPSolver::subCol(tMatrix &matrix, int nCol, double val) { for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) if (k != nCol) matrix[k][nCol] -= val; } double CTSPSolver::align(tMatrix &matrix) { double r = 0; double min; for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) { min = findMinInRow(k,matrix); if (min > 0) { r += min; subRow(matrix,k,min); } } for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) { min = findMinInCol(k,matrix); if (min > 0) { r += min; subCol(matrix,k,min); } } return r; } bool CTSPSolver::findCandidate(tMatrix matrix, int &nRow, int &nCol) { nRow = -1; nCol = -1; bool alts = false; double h = -1; double sum; for (int r = 0; r < nCities; r++) for (int c = 0; c < nCities; c++) // if ((matrix.at(r).at(c) == 0) && !forbidden.values(r).contains(c)) { if (matrix.at(r).at(c) == 0) { sum = findMinInRow(r,matrix,c) + findMinInCol(c,matrix,r); if (sum > h) { h = sum; nRow = r; nCol = c; alts = false; } else if ((sum == h) && !hasSubCycles(r,c)) alts = true; } return alts; } bool CTSPSolver::hasSubCycles(int nRow, int nCol) { if ((nRow < 0) || (nCol < 0) || route.isEmpty() || !(route.size() < nCities - 1) || !route.contains(nCol)) return false; int i = nCol; while (true) { if ((i = route[i]) == nRow) return true; if (!route.contains(i)) return false; } return false; } // TODO: Comment the algorithm sStep *CTSPSolver::solve(int numCities, tMatrix task, QWidget *parent) { if (numCities <= 1) return NULL; cleanup(); nCities = numCities; QProgressDialog pd(parent); QProgressBar *pb = new QProgressBar(&pd); pb->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); pb->setFormat(trUtf8("%v of %m parts found")); pd.setBar(pb); pd.setMaximum(nCities); pd.setMinimumDuration(1000); pd.setLabelText(trUtf8("Calculating optimal route...")); pd.setWindowTitle(trUtf8("Solution Progress")); pd.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); pd.setValue(0); sStep *step = new sStep(); step->matrix = task; step->price = align(step->matrix); root = step; sStep *left, *right; int nRow, nCol; bool firstStep = true; double check; while (this->route.size() < nCities) { // forbidden.clear(); step->alts = findCandidate(step->matrix,nRow,nCol); while (hasSubCycles(nRow,nCol)) { // forbidden[nRow] = nCol; step->matrix[nRow][nCol] = INFINITY; step->price += align(step->matrix); step->alts = findCandidate(step->matrix,nRow,nCol); } if ((nRow == -1) || (nCol == -1) || pd.wasCanceled()) { root = NULL; break; } // Route with (nRow,nCol) path right = new sStep(); right->matrix = step->matrix; for (int k = 0; k < nCities; k++) { if (k != nCol) right->matrix[nRow][k] = INFINITY; if (k != nRow) right->matrix[k][nCol] = INFINITY; } right->price = step->price + align(right->matrix); // Forbid selected route to exclude its reuse in next steps. right->matrix[nCol][nRow] = INFINITY; right->matrix[nRow][nCol] = INFINITY; // Route without (nRow,nCol) path left = new sStep(); left->matrix = step->matrix; left->matrix[nRow][nCol] = INFINITY; left->price = step->price + align(left->matrix); step->candidate.nRow = nRow; step->candidate.nCol = nCol; step->plNode = left; step->prNode = right; if (right->price <= left->price) { // Route with (nRow,nCol) path is cheaper step = right; this->route[nRow] = nCol; pd.setValue(this->route.size()); if (firstStep) { check = left->price; firstStep = false; } } else { // Route without (nRow,nCol) path is cheaper step = left; qApp->processEvents(); if (firstStep) { check = right->price; firstStep = false; } } } if (!root && !pd.wasCanceled()) { pd.reset(); QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning,trUtf8("Solution Result"),trUtf8("Unable to find solution.\nMaybe, this task has no solutions."),QMessageBox::Ok,parent).exec(); } qApp->processEvents(); if (root) { route = this->route; mayNotBeOptimal = (check < step->price); } return root; } QString CTSPSolver::getSortedPath() const { if (!root || route.isEmpty() || (route.size() != nCities)) return QString(); int i = 0; // We start from City 1 QString path = trUtf8("City %1").arg(1) + " -> "; while ((i = route[i]) != 0) { path += trUtf8("City %1").arg(i + 1) + " -> "; } // And finish in City 1, too path += trUtf8("City %1").arg(1); return path; } bool CTSPSolver::isOptimal() const { return !mayNotBeOptimal; }