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| 15 | </tr></table><h1 class="title">QtToolBarManager Class Reference</h1> |
| 16 | <p>The QtToolBarManager class provides toolbar management for main windows. <a href="#details">More...</a></p> |
| 17 | <pre> #include <QtToolBarManager></pre><p>Inherits <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html">QObject</a>.</p> |
| 18 | <ul> |
| 19 | <li><a href="qttoolbarmanager-members.html">List of all members, including inherited members</a></li> |
| 20 | </ul> |
| 21 | <a name="public-functions"></a> |
| 22 | <h3>Public Functions</h3> |
| 23 | <ul> |
| 24 | <li><div class="fn"></div><b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#QtToolBarManager">QtToolBarManager</a></b> ( QObject * <i>parent</i> = 0 )</li> |
| 25 | <li><div class="fn"></div><b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#dtor.QtToolBarManager">~QtToolBarManager</a></b> ()</li> |
| 26 | <li><div class="fn"></div>void <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#addAction">addAction</a></b> ( QAction * <i>action</i>, const QString & <i>category</i> )</li> |
| 27 | <li><div class="fn"></div>void <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#addToolBar">addToolBar</a></b> ( QToolBar * <i>toolBar</i>, const QString & <i>category</i> )</li> |
| 28 | <li><div class="fn"></div>QMainWindow * <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#mainWindow">mainWindow</a></b> () const</li> |
| 29 | <li><div class="fn"></div>void <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#removeAction">removeAction</a></b> ( QAction * <i>action</i> )</li> |
| 30 | <li><div class="fn"></div>void <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#removeToolBar">removeToolBar</a></b> ( QToolBar * <i>toolBar</i> )</li> |
| 31 | <li><div class="fn"></div>bool <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#restoreState">restoreState</a></b> ( const QByteArray & <i>state</i>, int <i>version</i> = 0 )</li> |
| 32 | <li><div class="fn"></div>QByteArray <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#saveState">saveState</a></b> ( int <i>version</i> = 0 ) const</li> |
| 33 | <li><div class="fn"></div>void <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#setMainWindow">setMainWindow</a></b> ( QMainWindow * <i>mainWindow</i> )</li> |
| 34 | <li><div class="fn"></div>QList<QToolBar *> <b><a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#toolBars">toolBars</a></b> () const</li> |
| 35 | </ul> |
| 36 | <ul> |
| 37 | <li><div class="fn"></div>29 public functions inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#public-functions">QObject</a></li> |
| 38 | </ul> |
| 39 | <h3>Additional Inherited Members</h3> |
| 40 | <ul> |
| 41 | <li><div class="fn"></div>1 property inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#properties">QObject</a></li> |
| 42 | <li><div class="fn"></div>1 public slot inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#public-slots">QObject</a></li> |
| 43 | <li><div class="fn"></div>1 signal inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#signals">QObject</a></li> |
| 44 | <li><div class="fn"></div>1 public type inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#public-variables">QObject</a></li> |
| 45 | <li><div class="fn"></div>4 static public members inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#static-public-members">QObject</a></li> |
| 46 | <li><div class="fn"></div>7 protected functions inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#protected-functions">QObject</a></li> |
| 47 | <li><div class="fn"></div>2 protected variables inherited from <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html#protected-variables">QObject</a></li> |
| 48 | </ul> |
| 49 | <a name="details"></a> |
| 50 | <hr /> |
| 51 | <h2>Detailed Description</h2> |
| 52 | <p>The QtToolBarManager class provides toolbar management for main windows.</p> |
| 53 | <p>The QtToolBarManager is typically used with a <a href="qttoolbardialog.html">QtToolBarDialog</a> which allows the user to customize the toolbars for a given main window. The <a href="qttoolbardialog.html">QtToolBarDialog</a> class's functionality is controlled by an instance of the QtToolBarManager class, and the main window is specified using the QtToolBarManager class's <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#setMainWindow">setMainWindow</a>() function.</p> |
| 54 | <p>The currently specified main window can be retrieved using the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#mainWindow">mainWindow</a>() function.</p> |
| 55 | <p>The toolbar manager holds lists of the given main window's actions and toolbars, and can add actions and toolbars to these lists using the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#addAction">addAction</a>() and <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#addToolBar">addToolBar</a>() functions respectively. The actions can in addition be categorized acccording to the user's preferences. The toolbar manager can also remove custom actions and toolbars using the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#removeAction">removeAction</a>() and <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#removeToolBar">removeToolBar</a>() functions.</p> |
| 56 | <p>Finally, the QtToolBarManager is able to save the customized state of its toolbars using the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#saveState">saveState</a>() function as well as restore the toolbars' saved state using <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#restoreState">restoreState</a>() function.</p> |
| 57 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbardialog.html">QtToolBarDialog</a>.</p> |
| 58 | <hr /> |
| 59 | <h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> |
| 60 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="QtToolBarManager"></a>QtToolBarManager::QtToolBarManager ( <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qobject.html">QObject</a> * <i>parent</i> = 0 )</h3> |
| 61 | <p>Creates a toolbar manager with the given <i>parent</i>.</p> |
| 62 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="dtor.QtToolBarManager"></a>QtToolBarManager::~QtToolBarManager ()</h3> |
| 63 | <p>Destroys the toolbar manager.</p> |
| 64 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="addAction"></a>void QtToolBarManager::addAction ( <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qaction.html">QAction</a> * <i>action</i>, const <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qstring.html">QString</a> & <i>category</i> )</h3> |
| 65 | <p>Adds the given <i>action</i> to the given <i>category</i> in the manager's list of actions. If the <i>category</i> doesn't exist it is created. Only non separator actions can be added. If the action is already added to the list, the function doesn't do anything.</p> |
| 66 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#removeAction">removeAction</a>().</p> |
| 67 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="addToolBar"></a>void QtToolBarManager::addToolBar ( <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qtoolbar.html">QToolBar</a> * <i>toolBar</i>, const <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qstring.html">QString</a> & <i>category</i> )</h3> |
| 68 | <p>Adds the given <i>toolBar</i> to the manager's toolbar list.</p> |
| 69 | <p>All the <i>toolBar</i>'s actions are automatically added to the given <i>category</i> in the manager's list of actions if they're not already there. The manager remembers which toolbar the actions belonged to, so, when the <i>toolBar</i> is removed, its actions will be removed as well.</p> |
| 70 | <p>Custom toolbars are created with the main window returned by the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#mainWindow">mainWindow</a>() function, as its parent.</p> |
| 71 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#removeToolBar">removeToolBar</a>().</p> |
| 72 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="mainWindow"></a><a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qmainwindow.html">QMainWindow</a> * QtToolBarManager::mainWindow () const</h3> |
| 73 | <p>Returns the main window associated this toolbar manager.</p> |
| 74 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#setMainWindow">setMainWindow</a>().</p> |
| 75 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="removeAction"></a>void QtToolBarManager::removeAction ( <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qaction.html">QAction</a> * <i>action</i> )</h3> |
| 76 | <p>Removes the specified <i>action</i> from the manager's list of actions. The action is also removed from all the registered toolbars. If the specified <i>action</i> is the only action in its category, that category is removed as well.</p> |
| 77 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#addAction">addAction</a>().</p> |
| 78 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="removeToolBar"></a>void QtToolBarManager::removeToolBar ( <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qtoolbar.html">QToolBar</a> * <i>toolBar</i> )</h3> |
| 79 | <p>Removes the specified <i>toolBar</i> from the manager's list. All the actions that existed in the specified <i>toolBar</i> when it was added are removed as well.</p> |
| 80 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#addToolBar">addToolBar</a>().</p> |
| 81 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="restoreState"></a>bool QtToolBarManager::restoreState ( const <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qbytearray.html">QByteArray</a> & <i>state</i>, int <i>version</i> = 0 )</h3> |
| 82 | <p>Restores the saved state of the toolbar manager's toolbars. The <i>version</i> number is compared with the version number of the stored <i>state</i>.</p> |
| 83 | <p>Returns true if the version numbers are matching and the toolbar manager's state is restored; otherwise the toolbar manager's state is left unchanged and the function returns false.</p> |
| 84 | <p>Note that the state of the toolbar manager's toolbars should be restored before restoring the state of the main window's toolbars and dockwidgets using the <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qmainwindow.html#restoreState">QMainWindow::restoreState</a>() function. In that way the restoreState() function can create the custom toolbars before the <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qmainwindow.html#restoreState">QMainWindow::restoreState</a>() function restores the custom toolbars' positions.</p> |
| 85 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#saveState">saveState</a>().</p> |
| 86 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="saveState"></a><a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qbytearray.html">QByteArray</a> QtToolBarManager::saveState ( int <i>version</i> = 0 ) const</h3> |
| 87 | <p>Saves the state of the toolbar manager's toolbars. The <i>version</i> number is stored as part of the data.</p> |
| 88 | <p>Identifies all the <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qtoolbar.html">QToolBar</a> and <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qaction.html">QAction</a> objects by their object name property. Ensure that this property is unique for each <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qtoolbar.html">QToolBar</a> and <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qaction.html">QAction</a> that you add using the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html">QtToolBarManager</a>.</p> |
| 89 | <p>Returns an identifier for the state which can be passed along with the version number to the <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#restoreState">restoreState</a>() function to restore the saved state.</p> |
| 90 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#restoreState">restoreState</a>().</p> |
| 91 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="setMainWindow"></a>void QtToolBarManager::setMainWindow ( <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qmainwindow.html">QMainWindow</a> * <i>mainWindow</i> )</h3> |
| 92 | <p>Sets the main window upon which the toolbar manager operates, to be the given <i>mainWindow</i>.</p> |
| 93 | <p>See also <a href="qttoolbarmanager.html#mainWindow">mainWindow</a>().</p> |
| 94 | <h3 class="fn"><a name="toolBars"></a><a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qlist.html">QList</a><<a href="http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5/qtoolbar.html">QToolBar</a> *> QtToolBarManager::toolBars () const</h3> |
| 95 | <p>Returns the manager's toolbar list.</p> |
| 96 | <p /><address><hr /><div align="center"> |
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