Oleksii Serdiuk: $Id: $Format:%h %ai %an$ $ SettingsDialog Preferences 0 0 true 0 0 16777215 2 QFrame::Plain 2 Qt::Horizontal 6 6 false PointingHandCursor Help Get preferences help Help true QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok true General General TSPSG settings PointingHandCursor Automatically resize rows and columns to their contents Autosize of rows and columns PointingHandCursor Remember the last used directory when opening and saving files Remember last used directories PointingHandCursor Use native File Open and File Save dialogs (uncheck to use Qt's Dialogs) Use native file dialogs Qt::Vertical 0 1 Task Task generation and solving settings QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Fractional accuracy: spinFractionalAccuracy PointingHandCursor Accuracy of the fractional values (in decimal places) 6 PointingHandCursor In this mode the cost of travel from city 1 to city 2 and vice versa is the same Symmetric mode Task generation QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Minimal random: spinRandMin PointingHandCursor Minimum for random number generation Maximal random: spinRandMax PointingHandCursor Maximum for random number generation PointingHandCursor Generate fractional random values with the Fractional accuracy Fractional random values Qt::Vertical 0 1 Output Solution output settings General General solution output settings PointingHandCursor Generate graphical representation of the solution Generate solution graph Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 10 0 Defines width of graph in solution output Solution graph width: comboGraphImageFormat PointingHandCursor Defines width of graph in solution output cm 2.250000000000000 18.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 1 0 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 10 0 What image format to use for graph when saving solution as HTML Save solution graph as comboGraphImageFormat PointingHandCursor What image format to use for graph when saving solution as HTML Qt::Horizontal 1 0 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 10 0 PointingHandCursor Save solution graph inside HTML using data URI scheme (not supported by IE 7 and lower) Embed solution graph into HTML PointingHandCursor Show solution steps' matrices for every solution step Show solution steps' matrices Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 10 0 PointingHandCursor Show or hide solution steps' matrices based on number of cities in the task Only when <= PointingHandCursor Maximum number of cities to show solution steps' matrices cities 1 Qt::Horizontal 1 0 PointingHandCursor Scroll to the end of solution output after solving Scroll to solution end Qt::Vertical 0 1 Font && Colors Font and colors settings for solution output Font used for solution text output Font: 0 0 Font used for solution output true PointingHandCursor Change output text font 0 0 Font color for solution text output Default text color: 0 0 15 15 Font color for solution text output true QFrame::Box PointingHandCursor Change default text color 0 0 Text color of the candidate that was selected for branching Selected candidate text color: 0 0 15 15 Text color of the candidate that was selected for branching true QFrame::Box PointingHandCursor Change selected candidate text color 0 0 Text color of the alternate candidate that wasn't selected for branching Alternate candidate text color: 0 0 15 15 Text color of the alternate candidate that wasn't selected for branching true QFrame::Box PointingHandCursor Change alternate candidate text color 0 0 Color of table borders in solution output Table borders color: 0 0 15 15 Color of table borders in solution output true QFrame::Box PointingHandCursor Change color of table borders Qt::Vertical 0 1 buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialog accept() 190 30 306 231 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialog reject() 190 30 262 245 cbShowMatrix toggled(bool) cbCitiesLimit setEnabled(bool) 91 107 113 132 cbShowMatrix toggled(bool) cbCitiesLimit setChecked(bool) 91 107 113 132 cbCitiesLimit toggled(bool) spinCitiesLimit setEnabled(bool) 113 132 183 134 cbGenerateGraph toggled(bool) labelGraphImageFormat setEnabled(bool) 113 48 72 73 cbGenerateGraph toggled(bool) comboGraphImageFormat setEnabled(bool) 113 48 149 73 cbGenerateGraph toggled(bool) cbEmbedGraphIntoHTML setEnabled(bool) 128 45 136 103 cbGenerateGraph toggled(bool) labelGraphWidth setEnabled(bool) 157 84 100 147 cbGenerateGraph toggled(bool) spinGraphWidth setEnabled(bool) 157 84 212 147