TSP Solver and Generator ChangeLog ================================== TSPSG v0.1.4 beta 2 (build 170) ------------------------------- ### WHAT'S NEW ### - Support for embedded base64 encoded images when saving solution as HTML (Ticket #4). - The ability to setup page-related options for printing (Ticket #5). - Solution graph size can now be controlled using Output/GraphWidth setting in tspsg.ini. Value is in centimeters. (Ticket #8) ### CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS ### - Any value that is entered into task table and doesn't contain numbers is considered an infinity. - Some error messages are more verbose. - Removed a prompt about turning off language autodetection when selecting a language. - Handheld version includes larger icons (48x48 instead of 32x32). - If after running Save As dialog file name doesn't have an extension .tspt will be automatically appended. - Translucency effect is available on all desktop platforms. No check for its support by window system is made at this moment. Blur is only available in Windows Vista or higher. ### BUGFIXES ### - Bug #2: Solution graph is too small on high resolution screens. - Bug #3: Solution graph font size should be fixed. - Bug #6: Bug: Actions in Options Menu. - Bug #7: No Cancel option in Unsaved Changes dialog under Symbian. - Bug #9: Solution graph is still exported to HTML when graph generation is disabled. - Language name was not loaded in its menu item's status tip which caused status tip to be "Set application language to ". - Icons in toolbar configuration dialog didn't follow style and one of them wasn't shown. TSPSG v0.1.3 beta 1 (build 145) ------------------------------- ### WHAT'S NEW ### + Solution graph generation. + Support for switching between available Qt styles. + Toolbar customization support (only on desktop platforms). + An option to remember last used directory when saving and opening. + Automatically check for updates at the given interval option (only on Windows platform at this moment). ### IMPROVEMENTS ### + Improved the solution output generation algorithm. It is now about 1.65 times faster. + Dragging and dropping task file on the main window now opens it. + The deafult output font is now DejaVu LGC Sans Mono and it comes "embedded" in the executable. + The current desktop icon theme in Linux is now used if it follows freedesktop.org icon theme and icon naming spesifications. + Translations are now "embedded" in the executable but may be overrided by placing files with the same names in l10n folder. + Support for Windows 7 Taskbar Extensions (namely, Progress Bars). ### CHANGES ### * About dialog was "tabified". Added GPL License and Credits tabs. * Platform dependent settings (e.g. paths) are saved per-platform. * 32x32 icons are used on handheld platforms. This slightly decreases the size of handheld versions. Desktop icons are still 128x128. * Windows binary builds were moved from MSVC to Mingw-w64: no more Visual C++ Runtime dependency. ### BUGFIXES ### - Solution related actions not disabled when solution is canceled. - "Autosize" setting was never saved and was always on. TSPSG v0.1.2 alpha 2 (build 100) -------------------------------- ### WHAT'S NEW ### + New TSPSG icon. + Symmetric mode: in this mode the cost of travel from city 1 to city 2 and vice versa is the same. + Printing of solution results (if the platform supports it). + Saving solution to PDF (if the platform supports printing). + An ability to reset all settings to their defaults: hold Shift while clicking Save button in the Settings Dialog. + An ability to generate fractional random numbers. + An ability to set the fractional accuracy (in decimail places). + An ability to select between using native and Qt's file dialogs when opening and saving tasks and solutions. + An ability to disable showing of the solution steps' matrices in solution output. + An ability to enable scroll to the end of the solution output after solving. + An ability ot enable automatic resize of columns and rows to their contents on its change. + Basic support for Symbian. + Check for updates functionality (only in Windows version at this moment). ### IMPROVEMENTS ### + Improved the solution algorithm. + The maximum number of cities in task was increased to 50. NOTE: Showing the solution steps' matrices is disabled by default for tasks with more than 15 cities to considerably speed up the generation of the solution output process. + List of alternate candidates for branching is now displayed. + Warning about possible non-optimal result. + Open a file, passed as command-line argument. + Currently opened file name is displayed in the Main Window title. + "Save Solution" and "Back to Task" buttons in Solution tab for better usability. + The size of the toolbar buttons is now determined based on the device DPI in Windows Mobile and Symbian. + SIP show/hide handling in Windows Mobile. + Toolbar state and position are now saved and restored with the Main Window state and position. + Window translucency support in Windows Vista and Windows 7. ### CHANGES ### * The resulting path is now sorted, always starts from City 1 and has "City 1 -> City n -> ... -> City 1" format. * Translations were moved from i18n to l10n folder to follow common standards. * Reworked the Settings Dialog layout. * Reworked the About dialog. ### BUGFIXES ### - A solution couldn't be found for some tasks while the task had at least one solution (mostly, tasks with a lot of restrictions). - An error when loading .zkt file with less than 5 cities. - Generated random numbers were not in the range defined by Minimum and Maximum settings. TSPSG v0.1.1 alpha 1 (build 42) ------------------------------- This is initial TSPSG release. ### FEATURES ### * Solving taks with up to 5 cities. * Generating tasks. * Saving solution results to HTML and ODF. * Importing tasks from ZKomModRd. * Multilinguality: English, Russian and Ukrainian languages. * Linux/UNIX, Windows and Windows Mobile support. $Id: $Format:%h %ai %an$ $ $URL: http://tspsg.info/ $