Lёppa: $Id$ MainWindow 0 0 550 450 Travelling Salesman Problem :/images/tspsg.png:/images/tspsg.png QTabWidget::North Task Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Variant: spinVariant PointingHandCursor Number of variant 1 &Cities: spinCities PointingHandCursor Number of cities 3 5 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Cost of travel from city to city QAbstractItemView::NoSelection Qt::Horizontal 40 20 PointingHandCursor Fill table with random numbers Random :/images/icons/roll.png:/images/icons/roll.png PointingHandCursor Solve current task Solve :/images/icons/button_ok.png:/images/icons/button_ok.png Solution false Solution steps false true Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse false PointingHandCursor Save solution to a file Save Solution :/images/icons/filesaveas.png:/images/icons/filesaveas.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 PointingHandCursor Go back to Task tab Back to Task :/images/icons/back.png:/images/icons/back.png 0 0 550 21 &File Save &As :/images/icons/filesaveas.png:/images/icons/filesaveas.png &Settings Select language Select application language &Language :/images/icons/locale.png:/images/icons/locale.png &Help ArrowCursor Toolbar TopToolBarArea false false &Solution... Save solution Save solution to a file :/images/icons/filenew.png:/images/icons/filenew.png &New New task Create new task Ctrl+N :/images/icons/fileopen.png:/images/icons/fileopen.png &Open... Open task Open saved task Ctrl+O :/images/icons/preferences_system.png:/images/icons/preferences_system.png &Preferences... Application preferences false :/images/icons/contents.png:/images/icons/contents.png &Contents Open help contents Ctrl+F1 false :/images/icons/help_browser.png:/images/icons/help_browser.png Context &Help Open context help F1 :/images/icons/help_about.png:/images/icons/help_about.png &About TSPSG... About application :/images/icons/exit.png:/images/icons/exit.png E&xit Exit application &Task... Save task Save task to file true true &Autodetect Detect language automatically Detect language automatically based on regional settings true true &English English :/images/icons/filesave.png:/images/icons/filesave.png &Save Save task Save current task Ctrl+S :/images/icons/qtlogo-64.png:/images/icons/qtlogo-64.png About &Qt... About Qt library actionFileExit triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 294 229 buttonSaveSolution clicked() actionFileSaveAsSolution trigger() 58 327 -1 -1