###################################################################### # # TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator # Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Oleksii Serdiuk # # $Id: $Format:%h %ai %an$ $ # $URL: http://tspsg.info/ $ # # This file is part of TSPSG. # ###################################################################### !nosvg { QT += svg } else { DEFINES += NOSVG } greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { QT += printsupport concurrent } wincewm*|symbian|maemo*|simulator|blackberry { CONFIG += handheld } blackberry { # DEFINES += QT_NO_SHORTCUT DEFINES += QT_NO_PRINTDIALOG DEFINES += QT_NO_PRINTPREVIEWDIALOG QT += xml declarative LIBS += -lbb -lbbcascadespickers } TEMPLATE = app # QMAKE_MAC_SDK = /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk # Version information QMAKE_TARGET_COMPANY = Oleksii Serdiuk QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT = TSP Solver and Generator QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = Copyright © 2007-2013 Oleksii Serdiuk # Version detection include(version.pri) DEFINES += BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR=$$BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR \ BUILD_VERSION_MINOR=$$BUILD_VERSION_MINOR \ BUILD_RELEASE=$$BUILD_RELEASE \ BUILD_NUMBER=$$BUILD_NUMBER blackberry { TARGET = tspsg } else { !debug_and_release|build_pass { CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { OBJECTS_DIR = debug DEFINES += DEBUG # CONFIG += console D = d } else { OBJECTS_DIR = release D = } } } # Saving all intermediate files to tmp directory. MOC_DIR = tmp RCC_DIR = tmp UI_DIR = tmp # We need to generate translations before building. # Either way, resource files won't compile. translations.name = Translations translations.input = TRANSLATIONS translations.output = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/l10n/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.qm freebsd-* { translations.commands = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease-qt$${QT_MAJOR_VERSION} ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} } else { translations.commands = $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} } translations.CONFIG = no_link QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += translations PRE_TARGETDEPS += compiler_translations_make_all # Include 3rd party libraries !handheld { include(src/3rdparty/qttoolbardialog-2.2_1-opensource/src/qttoolbardialog.pri) } win32:LIBS += -lole32 # Source include(tspsg.pri) # Help include(help/help.pri) # Code Documentation include(doc/doc.pri) # Installation and deployment rules include(install.pri)