###################################################################### # # TSPSG: TSP Solver and Generator # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Lёppa # # $Id$ # $URL$ # # This file is part of TSPSG. # ###################################################################### !nosvg { QT += svg } else { DEFINES += NOSVG } TEMPLATE = app # Versioning BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR = 0 BUILD_VERSION_MINOR = 1 BUILD_RELEASE = 3 # These are only defined on releases #DEFINES += TSPSG_RELEASE_BUILD #!symbian { # DEFINES += BUILD_STATUS="\"(alpha 2)\"" #} else { # # Symbian doesn't handle spaces in defines well # DEFINES += BUILD_STATUS="(alpha2)" #} #REVISION = 100 REVISION = $$system(svnversion) REVISION = $$replace(REVISION,"M","") VERSION = $$sprintf("%1.%2.%3.%4",$$BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR,$$BUILD_VERSION_MINOR,$$BUILD_RELEASE,$$REVISION) DEFINES += BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR=$$BUILD_VERSION_MAJOR \ BUILD_VERSION_MINOR=$$BUILD_VERSION_MINOR \ BUILD_RELEASE=$$BUILD_RELEASE \ BUILD_NUMBER=$$REVISION # A hack to determine whether we have static or dynamic Qt build unix:!symbian { PRL = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] libQtCore.prl } else:unix { PRL = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] QtCore.prl } else { PRL = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] QtCore.prl } include($$join(PRL, "/")) contains(QMAKE_PRL_CONFIG, static) { # We "embed" JPEG and TIFF support on static build DEFINES += STATIC_BUILD # QTPLUGIN += qjpeg qtiff } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { OBJECTS_DIR = release DESTDIR = release D = } else { OBJECTS_DIR = debug DESTDIR = debug DEFINES += DEBUG # CONFIG += console D = d } TARGET = tspsg$${D} # Saving all intermediate files to tmp directory. MOC_DIR = ./tmp RCC_DIR = ./tmp UI_DIR = ./tmp # Include file(s) include(tspsg.pri) # Installation and deployment include(install.pri)