@echo off rem rem "Main" rem if not "%1"=="" ( if not "%1"=="-library" ( call :PrintUsage goto EOF ) ) rem only ask to accept the license text once if exist .licenseAccepted goto HandleArgs rem determine if free or commercial package set edition=commercial if exist LICENSE.LGPL. set edition=free if %edition%==free ( call :HandleFree ) else ( call :RegionLoop call :Comm ) echo . if not exist .licenseAccepted ( echo You are not licensed to use this software. goto EOF ) :HandleArgs if exist config.pri. del config.pri if "%1"=="-library" ( echo Configuring to build this component as a dynamic library. echo SOLUTIONS_LIBRARY = yes > config.pri ) echo . echo This component is now configured. echo . echo To build the component library (if requested) and example(s), echo run qmake and your make or nmake command. echo . echo To remove or reconfigure, run make (nmake) distclean. echo . goto EOF rem rem "License acceptance loops" rem :RegionLoop echo . echo Please choose your region. echo . echo Type 1 for North or South America. echo Type 2 for anywhere outside North and South America. echo . set /p region=Select: if %region%==1 ( set licenseFile=LICENSE.US goto EOF ) if %region%==2 ( set licenseFile=LICENSE.NO goto EOF ) goto RegionLoop :HandleFree echo . echo You are licensed to use this software under the terms of echo the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3, or echo the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 echo with certain additional extra rights as specified in the echo Nokia Qt LGPL Exception version 1.1. echo . echo Type 'G' to view the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 echo Type 'L' to view the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 echo Type 'E' to view the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception version 1.1. echo Type 'yes' to accept this license offer. echo Type 'no' to decline this license offer. echo . set /p answer=Do you accept the terms of this license? if %answer%==no goto EOF if %answer%==yes ( echo license accepted > .licenseAccepted goto EOF ) if %answer%==g more LICENSE.GPL3 if %answer%==G more LICENSE.GPL3 if %answer%==l more LICENSE.LGPL if %answer%==L more LICENSE.LGPL if %answer%==e more LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt if %answer%==E more LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt goto HandleFree :Comm echo . echo License Agreement echo . echo Type '?' to view the Qt Solutions Commercial License. echo Type 'yes' to accept this license offer. echo Type 'no' to decline this license offer. echo . set /p answer=Do you accept the terms of this license? if %answer%==no goto EOF if %answer%==yes ( echo license accepted > .licenseAccepted copy %licenseFile% LICENSE del LICENSE.US del LICENSE.NO goto EOF ) if %answer%==? more %licenseFile% goto Comm :PrintUsage echo Usage: configure.bat [-library] echo . echo -library: Build the component as a dynamic library (DLL). Default is to echo include the component source directly in the application. echo A DLL may be preferable for technical or licensing (LGPL) reasons. echo . goto EOF :EOF